‘Today, I am’.
‘Today, I am’, lead the conversation with individuals who are refusing to be defined by size, age, or sex.
Embracing the breakdown of stereotypes through fashion and celebrating individual style. A confident declaration of who we are, on an ever-evolving journey. An outward expression of self, told through the personal narrative of Kelly Osbourne.
‘Today, I am’ invites people to be whoever they want to be and embrace their own fashion evolution.
Embracing the breakdown of stereotypes through fashion and celebrating individual style. A confident declaration of who we are, on an ever-evolving journey. An outward expression of self, told through the personal narrative of Kelly Osbourne.
‘Today, I am’ invites people to be whoever they want to be and embrace their own fashion evolution.

In a twitter first, we launched extended behind the scenes look at Kelly Osbourne’s feature fashion film. These additional videos were available for 24 hours through Westfield AU’s Twitter channel. Audiences could unlock this additional content by retweeting @WestfieldAU @KellyOsbourne and using the hashtag #TodayIAm
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